Ormi - Simple, fast, and bone-sparing procedure

Surgery always sounds scary. No one wants to undergo such an experience that puts their body under a lot of stress and demands weeks of recovery. However, with Ormi, a revolutionary approach to knee restoration, the process is streamlined, efficient, and bone-sparing. It is a simple and fast procedure that will transform the landscape of knee joint restoration.

Ormi - Simple, fast, and bone-sparing procedure

Simplicity in Approach

Unlike traditional surgical procedures that may involve extensive incisions and prolonged recovery times, Ormi's minimally invasive approach reduces surgical trauma. It accelerates the healing process, allowing patients to return to their daily activities with minimal downtime. 

Speed and Efficiency

With Ormi, the procedure's simplicity and effectiveness for filling a cavity are key. Because of a custom instrumentation kit to facilitate efficient placement, the surgeon can efficiently place the device into the defect area in under 10 minutes. The overall time of an outpatient procedure is between 30 and 45 minutes. Some post-surgical discomfort is still expected, but overall, the recovery for Ormi recipients is quite swift. The vision is clear – patients ambulate without crutches almost immediately post-procedure. Within days, the expectation is a return to normal walking patterns, free from a limp, and an enthusiastic embrace of additional physical activities.

Ormi's minimally invasive approach minimizes surgical trauma and accelerates the healing process, allowing for faster recovery and improved patient outcomes. This simple, fast, and bone-sparing procedure represents a paradigm shift in knee joint restoration. It also offers a streamlined approach that prioritizes patient comfort, efficiency, and long-term outcomes.




